Writers at BestPaperWriters.net have the highest qualifications, and they write supreme and original papers that are 100% plagiarism-free. We authenticate this by running every paper completed by the writers through anti-plagiarism software, which assures uniqueness and originality. This software checks a paper’s text against all web resources that are publicly accessible, such as online databases, web pages, and papers previously completed by our writers. Thus, there is zero probability that you will receive a plagiarized or recycled paper. Consequently, we have received a global reputation as a credible, online writing company that delivers plagiarism-free papers.
However, if you are not sure about plagiarism on any paper availed to you, please contact us immediately. We will carefully investigate, and if we determine that the paper has been plagiarized, we guarantee you a revision free of charge or refund your monies as outlined in our Money-Back Guarantee Policy.
If you ask us to place an order on ‘‘Dispute’’ status because it has been plagiarized, we will need you to back up your claim with a plagiarism report. BestPaperWriters.net only accepts plagiarism reports from Turnitin or your school. Additionally, such reports should be scanned. We will not accept any plagiarism report from any other source as a back-up for your plagiarism claim.
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